Member of the Florida Association of  Legal Document                            Preparers (FALDP)  since 2012 

        ​​    Gulf Translation & Document Services, L.L.C.
             Non-Attorney Legal Document Preparation, Translations & Notary Public Services

                                                                      Pensacola, Florida
                                                   Phone number: (850) 483 0662   
                                               Mluvíme Česky a Slovensky!  

We are NOT attorneys!!!

We cannot provide legal advice, cannot tell you what your rights or remedies are,

cannot tell you how to testify in court and cannot represent you in court.

If you need a legal advice, please contact a licensed attorney in your area.

    Please, read the Disclaimer & Disclosure page before contacting us. 

    ,                                                    Welcome / Vítejte,

Gulf Translation & Document Services, L.L.C. is NOT a law firm and we are NOT attorneys!!
We are proud members of the Florida Association of Legal Document Preparers / FALDP.
If we cannot help you, we will refer you to one of our colleagues in FALDP who can.



Our goal is to empower customers, who have decided to pursue their legal matters on their own, as Pro Se litigants,  either by a necessity or by a choice, by offering them resources, time, attention and expertise concerning  legal document preparation. Information is power. Knowledge is power. When we educate ourselves about the problems we are facing, it always leads to better and more confident decision making. 


We offer non-lawyer document preparation

assistance to self -represented customers 

in the following areas:



(from several Slavic languages only)


(Czech language only)


(Escambia County, Florida) 


Velmi dúležité upozornění:

Prosím přečtěte si naši stránku "Disclaimer & Disclosure" ( Zveřejnění o vyloučení zodpovědnosti" ) předtim, než-li nás budete kontaktovat. Děkujeme.

Pokud této stránce nerozumíte, rádi vám ji přelozíme a vysvětlíme v Českém jazyce. 

Pro ČESKY mluvící návštevníky našich stránek:
Tato webová stránka je v současné době dostupná pouze v Anglickém jazyce. Pokud máte zájem o naše služby, zavolejte nám nebo pošlete email na níže uvedenou adresu. Rádi Vám podáme informace v Českém či  Slovenském jazyce.  


Nejsme advokáti / právníci a jako takoví nejsme oprávněni poskytovat právní rady našim zákazníkům nebo je zastupovat při soudních jednáních. Našim zákazníkům můžeme poskytovat právni informace, vysvětlit jim procedůry a odkázat je na místa, kde mohou najít užitečné informace. Příprava všech dokumentů probíhá vždy pouze podle specifických instrukcí našich zákazníků a naši zákazníci vždy zastupují sami sebe (Pro-Se) ve vsech svých právních záležitostech.

Specializujeme se na přípravu dokumentů a asistenci v těchto oblastech:

1/Rodinné právo (rozvody, změny jména atd.) pro obyvatele státu Florida.

2/Přistěhovalecke dokumenty (žádost o "Zelenou kartu", občanství USA, prodloužení pobytu v US, změnu víza, povolení k vycestování z USA atd.) pro kvalifikované žadatele

3/ Překlady rodných listu, očkovacích průkazu a rozvodových dekretu pro potřeby USCIS a jiných úřadů  

4/ Notářské služby (Notary Public). 


Why use a Legal Document Preparer?
Using an experienced legal document preparer can save you money, while always leaving you in charge of your legal matter. 

Legal document preparers ARE NOT attorneys and as such are prohibited from giving legal advice to  their  customers, but can assist customers to prepare their legal documents correctly, efficiently & more affordably. Legal Document Preparer can provide current legal information and knowledgeable assistance from start to finish while leaving the customer in "the driver's seat" during the entire legal process.

Who are Legal Document Preparers?
Legal Document Preparers (LDP) are according to The Florida Bar Association, NON-LAWYERS or NON-ATTORNEYS.  Non-lawyer/ non-attorney is any individual who is not a member of The Florida Bar. 

Legal Document Preparers DO NOT work under the supervision of an attorney. 

Legal Document Preparers ARE NOT paralegals and can not call themselves paralegals.

Legal Document Preparers provide clerical & administrative services to customers representing themselves in their various legal matter. LDPs  can provide legal information, refer customers to legal resources, explain procedures and prepare legal documents per the customer's  instructions. 

LDPs do not provide legal advice or legal representation.

Our LDP Service overview:
Our document preparation service is a combination of virtual & traditional (brick and mortar) service.
We collect information either via phone or by questionnaires based on the issue at hand. Finished documents are delivered either by e-mail, regular mail or by personally, depending on the customer's preference and/or his/her location.We strive to be the best at what we do everyday, one customer at the time. Referrals from our past customers has been the best feedback for us. Currently about 85% of our customer base is referral based. We feel fortunate and blessed by those results. We guarantee quality work,  ethical business conduct, affordable prices and a prompt delivery.

Our LDP hourly Rate:

Our current hourly rate is $45 per hour. Our minimum preparation fee is = $110 / (prorated 2,5 hours)

Legal, court and/or USCIS fees can be quite expensive. We always try our best to make our service available to customers in financially challenging situations because we believe in the positive power of community and helping each other.  

(See our individual prices on our "Services" page.)   

We  cannot and WILL NOT review completed legal forms and/or document for the purpose of giving opinions as to legal sufficiency, errors, or omissions as we are not qualified to do so.

We may provide customers with publicly available legal information and procedural assistance, such as how and where to file their forms and /or documents.

Document Storage Disclaimer:

As far as we know we are under no obligation to store your documents. As a courtesy, we generally retain your documents for 30 days. (Each customer is always provided with an extra copy of all the finished documents for their own file. )


For first time customers, payment of $110 is due immediately after work is accepted by GTDS, L.LC.

This payment will be applied to the total preparation fee balance, however it is always NON- REFUNDABLE should the customer later deside (for whatever reason) not to proceed further. 

The next portion of the preparation fee is usually due after the signed "Disclaimer & Disclosure" form and/or the mandatory "Disclosure from a Nonlawyer" form is returned back us. We ask for a full payment when the total prices is under $300 and we will accept 1/2 payment when the total price exceed $300. The balance is due upon delivery of the finished documents or prior to sending them off.

We currently accept: Vemno, Zelle, PayPal, personal checks, business checks, money orders & cash.  (If paying via our website; all prices include PayPal processing fee and due to that are slightly higher. About 3 % more on average.)If you would like to use another form of payment, let us know beforehand so we can accommodate you.

Established customers may pay after the work is complete & the final payment is due when

the finished documents are ready to be either sent or personally delivered.


All payments are final. Refunds will be issued at our sole discretion. We will work with you to resolve disputes as quickly and amicably as possible. We may issue a refund if no document preparation has begun , but we have no obligation to do so.  We consider that document preparation work has begun when we have collected information from you; and/ or we have sent you a form or questionnaire to collect  your information. We may in our sole discretion, issue a full or partial refund even though your document preparation work has begun.  Issuance of a partial or a full refund is not to be considered an admission that we made errors in preparing your documents. Issuance of any refunds  is our attempt to defuse a potential dispute. Refunds may be be sent via paper check through US Mail.


If you accidentally overpaid, we will refund the difference, so you only pay the correct price. Be advised, the refund may take several days even if issued on the same day when the payment in question was made. Refunds are generally issued the next day. 


First time customers - we may answer your questions before you decide to use our services, however our obligation to you officially begins when you make a payment.

If before making payment your inquiries whether by phone or email, require us to spend undue time with you- we will direct you to make a payment immediately. And we also may advise you that we must charge you for future phone calls, personal meetings and email correspondence.

We assume no liability for damages, caused by using our services as they are offered as is without warranty expressed or implied.

Customers are using our services at their own risk.

Visit our "Disclaimer & Disclosure" page for additional important information before contacting us.